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Zev I. Farber
Rabbi, Dayan, Ph.D.
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Women's Issues
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Creation and Noah
The Meaning of 'Be-Reishit'
What is the Light on Day One?
The Canaan-Ham Curse Conundrum
Noah's Original Identity: The First Winemaker
A Textual Study of Noah's Flood
Abraham and Isaac
Is Sarah Old or Young when Taken by Abimelech?
The Mysterious Land of Moriah
Lot's Absence in Abraham's Plea
Jacob and Joseph
The Source of Jacob's Two Blessings
Choosing a Wife: Did Jacob Get it Right?
How is it Possible that Jacob Mistakes Leah for Rachel?
Maternal Impressions: From Sheep to Humans
Our Stepmother: Keturah
Abraham's Premature Obituary
Who Was Rebekah's Father?
Where Was Rebekah's Father?
Edomite Kings List: Is It Post-Mosaic?
The Covenant of Laban and Jacob at Gal-ed
Joseph in Custody: Enslaved or Imprisoned?
Jacob the Conqueror of Shechem
Jacob's Multiple Death Scenes
The Exodus Story
How God's Revelation of the Name YHWH Continues to Enlighten
The Resumptive Repetition
How Does God Answer the Question: What is Your Name?
Exodus Through Deception
The Missing Speeches in the Slave Narrative and the Samaritan Pentateuch
Sacrificing a Lamb in Egypt
Shepherds and Eating with Hebrews: An Abomination to the Egyptians?
What Really Happened at the Sea?
The Torah's Exodus
The Prohibiton of Meat and Milk
Bring the Man to the Carcass or the Carcass to the Man?
ACADEMIC: Israelite Festivals - From Cyclical to Linear Time
The Law of the Hebrew Slave
The Tabernacle and the Golden Calf
The Cherubim
Punishing Children for the Sins of their Parents
Does YHWH Remit Punishment?
The Other Ohel Moed
The Prohibition of Shaving
The Purification of a Niddah: The Torah Requirement
Bald Spots on Clothing: A(n Un)Missable, Ancient Scribal Error
The Parturient's "Days of Purity": From Torah to Halacha
"This is the Torah" for the Priests Performing the Offerings
Postpartum Impurity: Why is the Duration Double for a Girl?
Scouts & Spies
Unscrambling the Scout Story with the Documentary Hypothesis
Caleb the Kennizite's Connection to Hebron
Kiryat Arba: Father of Giants, City of Four
Kiryat Arba is Hebron: Is It?
Why Was Joshua Singled Out by Moses?
Narratives & Genealogies
Pre-Biblical Aaron, Moses, Miriam
Moses' Father-in-Law: Kenite or Midianite?
Korah, Datan and Abiram: A Case Study of Academic Methods
What Do Genealogies Teach Us About Torah?
Elazar Speaks Once: Why Does he Interrupt Moses?
Joshua Appointed Three Times: But is he in Charge?
The Midianite War: Where is Joshua?
Ma'aser for the Times: Temple Tax to Charity and Back
Redemption of the Firstborn: a One-Time Event
The Opening of Devarim: Redaction Criticism and Modern Midrash
The Opening of Devarim: A Recounting or Different Version of the Wilderness Experience?
The Mitzvah of Covering the Blood of Wild Animals
Haazinu: The Song's Enigmatic Climax
Unspoken Hemorrhoids: Making the Torah Reading Polite
Does the Torah Really Want Us to Appoint a King?
Marrying Your Daughter to Her Rapist: A Test Case in Dealing with Morally Problematic Texts
Marrying a Captive Woman
Can the Torah Contradict Halachah? The Ibn Ezra vs. Rambam
ACADEMIC: Pseudo-Philo and the Pharisees: A Look at the Prehistory of Rabbinic Judaism
ACADEMIC: Assumptio Mosis and the Eschatology of Despair
ACADEMIC: Religion in Eighth Century Judah
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